The brain has 23 billion neurons. That’s a lot of capacity for mental processing. So what’s going on in there? Understanding how people think is crucial if you’re going to design for them. Just as there are visual illusions, there are also thinking illusions. This chapter describes some of the interesting things the brain […]

Daily Read

We’re designing for a browsers and operating systems that have a well-established visual language and pretty solid interaction design patterns. Also, the increasingly popular Flat Design aesthetic is making everything look the same. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel when designing a door handle; two or three types of handles may be enough to […]


With adult literacy rates now over 80 percent worldwide, reading is a primary form of communication for most people. But how do we read? And what should designers know about reading? IT’S A MYTH THAT CAPITAL LETTERS ARE INHERENTLY HARD TO READ People perceive all capitals as shouting, and they’re unused to reading them, so […]


Vision trumps all the senses. Half of the brain’s resources are dedicated to seeing and interpreting what we see. What our eyes physically perceive is only one part of the story. The images coming in to our brains are changed and interpreted. It’s really our brains that are “seeing.” WHAT YOU SEE ISN’T WHAT YOUR […]

User Interface Design Principles

  Clarity is job #1 Clarity is the first and most important job of any interface. Clarity inspires confidence and leads to further use. One hundred clear screens is preferable to a single cluttered one.   Interfaces exist to enable interaction Interfaces exist to enable interaction between humans and our world. The best interfaces can […]

UI/UX Related Pages

My Read UX is not UI What’s the difference between UI and UX? The Difference Between UI and UX Visualizing the differences between UX and UI UI vs UX: what’s the difference? How To Recruit A UX Designer The Myth Of The Sophisticated User What Is User Experience Design? Overview, Tools And Resources   More […]

Notes from: “How to become A Web Design Expert” article

Just read an article at smashingmagazine.com. The subject is:  ”How to become A Web Design Expert” What I’ve learned from this article is: All the experts are not very well known Being an expert is more then about getting people to listen Being perceived as an expert can be helpful when working with clients, and […]

Reading: May 2010

A Brief History of Markup Top 10 Free Online CSS Editors For Web Designers 10 Golden Lessons From Steve Jobs The Mighty Pixel is Not Sacred Simple, Practical Color Theory Life After My Day Job… How I Monetized My Passion 15 in-Depth Examples of Addictive User Experience High Converting Web Design With Offshoring The State […]