Notable Points #1

I read several articles every day. And so do others. We just read and forget big articles. But we remember the key points of the article or at least try to memorize them. But now a day, time is important for real work. So there is no room to read every article line by line. For them (myself also) I will note out the points of the article and jot them here, in this title. So it will be easier for future reference. At the bottom of the points, I have added the list of the articles from where the points are taken. Anyone interested to know more, just click and go to the read article. Cheer up…

  • Gather as much evidence as possible while work freelance. It’s wise to gather them project wise.
  • Be-friend, don’t use. You should actively seek to find a genuine, personal connection and, if you still can’t find one, then either be transparent about your motives or move on. Nobody likes to be used.
  • Push Yourself and Get Good. You need to be pretty good. I like to think that there is an 80/20 rule lot more effort (and/or talent).
  • Be Likeable, Excited and Enthusiastic.
  • Be Referable! A large number of jobs for most freelancers come from referred clients. Do a good job for one person and they tell others for you.
  • Reliability is one of the most prized characteristics for a freelancer. Focus on the characteristics that make people want to work with you, and be reliable, very reliable.
  • Design the portfolio you think your clients want to see
  • Focus on Clients and Be Flexible
  • If you want to make things to please yourself, go be an artist.
  • Get a High Profile
  • The “stick to what works” mentality can sometimes work, and other times make you a dinosaur.
  • The function of design is to make the product more usable and improve the usability of the product’s function.
  • The simpler and better the design can be, the more enjoyable and easier it makes our lives.
  • Even though the cookie-cutter designs work for a while, the truly good designs are the original and fresh concepts that change the way we look at things.

Where I’ve got them?
A lesson to all freelancers (part 1)
How to optimize your networking energy
The Secret to Getting a Lot of Web Design Work
Is good design just a formula?

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